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Theo Tigno
9/21/2011 3:07 pm
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Thursday, September 22nd 2011 |
Luke 9: 7-9
Herod the tetrarch heard about all that was happening, and he was greatly perplexed because some were saying, "John has been raised from the dead; others were saying, "Elijah has appeared; still others, "One of the ancient prophets has arisen." But Herod said, "John I beheaded. Who then is this about whom I hear such things?" And he kept trying to see him.
Dawg's Thought:
Today's prayer intention - for those who are traveling.
Who are You, Lord?
I know You as the One Who rose from the dead
and ascended into Heaven.
I know You as the One Who spoke with great wisdom
and accomplished great things.
You calm storms.
People walk on the water at Your command.
You heal. You teach. You love.
Yet, I know that I cannot fully know "Who" You are.
I know that I would not comprehend "Who" You are
even if You blessed me with that knowledge.
So I ask of You today, Lord,
to reveal something about Yourself today.
Reveal something about Who You are
so that I can love You ...
so that I can believe that You
are more than what Herod thinks You are.
Reveal something about Who You are
that will help me to love my neighbor better ...
that will help me to act in accord with Your mercy ...
that will help me to trust in Your mercy.
I am here, Lord, trying to see You
so that I can come to know You ...
so that I can grow in love of You.
Who are You, Lord?
Take care and God Bless!
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