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Theo Tigno
1/9/2012 2:20 pm
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Tuesday, January 10th 2011 |
Mark 1: 14-20
Jesus came to Capernaum with his followers, and on the sabbath he entered the synagogue and taught. The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are'the Holy One of God!" Jesus rebuked him and said, "Quiet! Come out of him!" The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. All were amazed and asked one another, "What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him." His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee.
Dawg's Thought:
Today's prayer intention - for those who are preparing for marriage.
At some point, we will be before the Lord asking the same question as the unclean spirit. Hopefully, we will not have the disposition of the unclean spirit who wondered if Jesus would destroy them.
When you're at the office and your boss walks in, the reaction you have is different when you are working diligently versus if you are watching a YouTube video. When you're driving down the road, the people who are going above the speed limit have a different reaction than those who are driving the speed limit. I should know for I've experienced that impulse of having to hit the brake pedal when I see an officer on the road.
When you're at work, you should be working and doing the things that you need to do in order to contribute to the greater good. When you're driving, you have a responsibility not only to yourself, but also to others in your car and other around you.
It is that disposition of shock that makes me think about the unclean spirit. Why live a life waiting to get caught? Why live a life waiting to make things right?
I know that I have put off making things right in some areas. The fact that my garbage is outside of my door is just one small example (and, on top of that, the fact that my sliding door is open).
I love the feeling of driving the speed limit when a police officer shows up. I love the feeling when I have something up on the screen that I should be working on when my boss passes by. If we think about things in those terms, then obedience is more for us so that we can be confident in Our Lord, Whom we will one day be before. What a great gift obedience is!
Take care and God Bless.
P.S. - A few months ago, I started working on a book from the past reflections that have been sent out. The book idea is called, "Ordinary Thoughts in Ordinary Time." It took me some time to organize all the thoughts according to the 34 weeks in Ordinary Time, but it finally got done last week. I put a few sample pages together and I'd appreciate some feedback on the design: http://www.issuu.com/treative/docs/ordinary-time-reflections
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