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Theo Tigno
10/3/2007 10:20 pm
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Wednesday, October 3rd 2007 |
Luke 10:1-12
Jesus appointed seventy-two other disciples whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. He said to them, "The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals; and greet no one along the way. Into whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this household.' If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you. Stay in the same house and eat and drink what is offered to you, for the laborer deserves his payment. Do not move about from one house to another. Whatever town you enter and they welcome you, eat what is set before you, cure the sick in it and say to them, 'The Kingdom of God is at hand for you.' Whatever town you enter and they do not receive you, go out into the streets and say, 'The dust of your town that clings to our feet, even that we shake off against you.' Yet know this: the Kingdom of God is at hand. I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom on that day than for that town."
Dawg's thought:
Today's prayer intention is for those who struggle with depression.
First of all, I would like to apologize for that last few days. The Web site that hosts Dawg's Thought was down from the end of the weekend until this afternoon.
Secondly, today is the memorial of St. Francis of Assisi.
Finally, on to today's reading...
It always sticks out when I read this reading: shake the dust from your feet. It's a reminder that God will allow us to make our own choices, no matter how bad they are. While we know the story of the prodigal son, where the father runs to the son, we also have to remember that God will always respect our free will.
Somehow, that fact always reminds of the dignity that we all have been given. Praise His infinite wisdom! Take care and God Bless.
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