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Theo Tigno
9/3/2010 9:30 am

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Friday, September 3rd 2010
Luke 5: 33-39

The scribes and Pharisees said to Jesus, "The disciples of John the Baptist fast often and offer prayers, and the disciples of the Pharisees do the same; but yours eat and drink." Jesus answered them, "Can you make the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come, and when the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast in those days." And he also told them a parable. "No one tears a piece from a new cloak to patch an old one. Otherwise, he will tear the new and the piece from it will not match the old cloak. Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins, and it will be spilled, and the skins will be ruined. Rather, new wine must be poured into fresh wineskins. And no one who has been drinking old wine desires new, for he says, 'The old is good.'"

Dawg's Thought:

Today's prayer intention - for those who will be traveling.

My heart has been like old wineskins. As Christ has tried to pour His new wine of grace into me, my heart is bursting (in a bad way).

It's amazing how easily our hearts can turn from new wineskins graciously receiving new wine, to stubborn wineskins that are incapable of receiving God's grace.

Last night, with all the anxiety that has been going on in my life, and with my stubbornness in being still and relying on God's grace, I had one of those moments. I woke up in the middle of the night and my heart was pounding really slowly. I was lightheaded and I realized that I had no control. If God were to take me at that moment, where was the state of my heart?

I live in a condo by myself. As I turned to each prayer, first personal, and then the Rosary, my heart slowly began to be still. It's amazing how my life recently has been void of the prayers I have come to rely upon, especially the Rosary.

Yet, all it took for my heart to become like a new wineskin was returning to prayer, and letting that prayer be a true act of humility.

It was really easy for my heart to go from humbly accepting God's grace to bursting wineskin. It's really messy.

If your life has been too busy lately to pray, you're not living your life with God's grace. If your life has been too busy to receive help from others, how can you accept God's grace?

Praise God for moments in the middle of the night, where there is nowhere to turn but to Him! Praise God for the new wine of His grace flowing from His precious wounds! Take care and God Bless.

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