Psalm 13: 4-6
Look upon me, answer me, LORD, my God!
Give light to my eyes lest I sleep in death,
Lest my enemy say, "I have prevailed,"
lest my foes rejoice at my downfall.
I trust in your faithfulness.
Grant my heart joy in your help,
That I may sing of the LORD,
"How good our God has been to me!"
Dawg's thought:
Today's prayer intention is for the conversion of heart of someone that you know.
I have a hard time admitting that I need help. Today's first reading (Romans 8 :26-30) begins with how God comes to our aid in our weakness.
Today's psalm response is such a great response for someone like me, who is too proud to ask for help. It's hard to overcome my desire to control my situations, a response that is fearful of not getting things according to my desire. I should only have one desire, but I know that all of hearts are too broken, and pieces are scattered all over the place.
One day, I hope my misguided desires will find its resting place in the presence of The Lord. Until that day, I'll keep on praying the psalms, trusting fully in His faithfulness versus my pride. Take care and God Bless.