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Theo Tigno
12/4/2006 6:57 am

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Monday in the First Week of Advent
Isaiah 2:1-5

This is what Isaiah, son of Amoz,
saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

In days to come,
The mountain of the LORD's house
shall be established as the highest mountain
and raised above the hills.
All nations shall stream toward it;
many peoples shall come and say:
"Come, let us climb the LORD's mountain,
to the house of the God of Jacob,
That he may instruct us in his ways,
and we may walk in his paths."
For from Zion shall go forth instruction,
and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
He shall judge between the nations,
and impose terms on many peoples.
They shall beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks;
One nation shall not raise the sword against another,
nor shall they train for war again.

O house of Jacob, come,
let us walk in the light of the LORD!

Dawg's thought:

Today's prayer intention is for the conversion of those who have fallen away from Christ.

Happy New Year! We are now in a new liturgical year!

Answer: Lose weight and keep the house clean.
Question: What are the two most common New Year's resolutions I reach for?

For some reason, people like to make "New Year's Resolutions". Maybe it's because for most, a new year is like a new start. Think about how many people, after just buying a house, start eating economically.

These are changes that we recognize needs to happen in our lives. If we make a resolution to lose weight, chances are that we recognize the need to lose weight for some greater good. If we recognize that we have to spend less when we buy a new house, chances are you recognize that if you don't, you might not make your mortgage payment.

Today, it's time to make a new resolution that happens more than just once a year, but the anniversary of the new liturgical year makes a good "annual" reminder. From today, imagine if we had as our New Year's resolution:

Come, let us climb the LORD's mountain,
to the house of the God of Jacob,
That he may instruct us in his ways,
and we may walk in his paths.

In other words, in our own faith journey / spiritual lives, let's stop "strolling" to the Lord's mountain where we avoid any climbing. Let's stop looking at the Lord's mountain because the climb may be too steep. His angels will guard, protect and aid you in your climb.

Today, recognize the need to endure the "climb" of the spiritual life that ultimately leads to our eternal "praising" place. Take care and God Bless.

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