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Theo Tigno
6/6/2011 5:45 pm

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Tuesday in the Seventh Week of Easter
John 17: 1-11a

Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said, "Father, the hour has come. Give glory to your son, so that your son may glorify you, just as you gave him authority over all people, so that your son may give eternal life to all you gave him. Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. I glorified you on earth by accomplishing the work that you gave me to do. Now glorify me, Father, with you, with the glory that I had with you before the world began.

"I revealed your name to those whom you gave me out of the world. They belonged to you, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything you gave me is from you, because the words you gave to me I have given to them, and they accepted them and truly understood that I came from you, and they have believed that you sent me. I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for the ones you have given me, because they are yours, and everything of mine is yours and everything of yours is mine, and I have been glorified in them. And now I will no longer be in the world, but they are in the world, while I am coming to you."

Dawg's Thought:

Today's prayer intention - for those who are discerning their vocation.

A few years ago, I made a guitar for my father for his 65th birthday. In the guitar class I took, I had the opportunity to sweat, to be creative, and to be precise. I put a lot of love into making that guitar.

In making that guitar, my hope was not to give "glory" to myself or the guitar itself, but rather to give glory to my earthly father. It was a way of honoring him.

As Christ was praying in to The Father, He desired that The Father would be glorified, and in this, Christ would be glorified. It is tempting to think about this "exchange" of glory as being exclusive an exclusive exchange, placing us as mere spectators.

Yet, in today's reading we are reminded that Christ is glorified in us ... Christ is glorified in you!

As I think back to the guitar, there was a shaving I had to do. In order to get the guitar to play wonderfully, I had to sand down the pieces of bone on both ends of the guitar. I had to stretch the wood where the strings are pressed down on.

It took a while, yet in the end, the guitar played beautifully; my dad was able to play the guitar. The fact that it was "set-up" correctly helped him to play the guitar versus fight with the guitar.

Lord, we desire to give glory to You.
Make us participants in Your glory,
as sharers in this beautiful exchange.
As such, Lord, I give You permission
to take away the things that are obstacles
to allowing Your glory to be revealed.
Work diligently, Lord, on me
as an instrument maker works on a masterpiece.
Lord, may You be glorified in me.

Take care and God Bless.

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