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Theo Tigno
2/2/2010 8:20 pm
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Wednesday, February 3rd 2010 |
Mark 6:1-6
Jesus departed from there and came to his native place, accompanied by his disciples. When the sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They said, "Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands! Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?" And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house." So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.
Dawg's thought:
Today's prayer intention is for healing for those struggling with depression.
Sometimes, I wonder why there are different struggles in my life. Today was one of those days at work where nothing went right. My computer went dead, and at the same time, the guy I share an office with had his computer go dead (when we took his computer in, we found out it was just the monitor).
The whole day was spent trying to figure everything out and wondering why was this happening today.
As I read today's reading, I had to wonder about how much I truly turn to Christ in my daily events. There were many opportunities for me to turn to Him, but in the end my heart said, "Isn't He the One Who turned water into wine ... Isn't He the One Who fed 5,000 ... Isn't He the One Who rose form the dead?" What my heart didn't say is, "Isn't He The Lord over all my daily struggles?"
So, Lord over all the drivers who drive below the speed limit, and Lord over all computer issues ... Purify my heart in these struggles so that You may reign as Lord over the totality of my life.
Take care and God Bless.
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