| | Emotional Deprivation Disorder
Theo Tigno
12/28/2004 11:02 am
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1. Why So Many Fail to Respond |
- The fact that a child is frustrated in his/her need for love, tenderness and unconditional acceptance is sufficient enough to produce a nerotic disorder.
- Abandonment neurosis: abondoned in first years of his/her life, whether real or imagined.
- A human being is a growing, changing and developing creature in every aspect, including emotional
- Only the satisfactory completion of one stage will allow the person to grow into the next phase... A baby's needs must be met... A child must have the chance to feel and live like a child... The adolecent must have the opportunity to be an adolecent in order to attain normal adulthood.
- A child must be given the opportunity to receive the various emotional gratifications proper to his/her age.
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