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Italy 2011
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  Journal Entry, Assisi
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Journal Entry from Assisi

There are so many beautiful places in Italy. Many holy places. Yet, none seem more "holy" than some of the adoration chapels or churches I have been to near home. None more or less special.

Make your home holy! Spend time with Christ and be a "saint" to where pilgrims will one day visit your home because you are a holy example for them.

Let your life be a living canvas ... a living masterpiece! Let your words be a brushstroke revealing Christ on a canvas in waiting. Let your actions build a structure to where the Holy of Holies is found.

Why waste a brushstroke on something that is not eternal? Why waste a brick for something that will fade away?

WHY NOT MAKE PHOENIX, AZ A PILGRIMAGE SITE? Why not make this city a place that turns back paganism, relativism, and all the other false hopes people blindly place their trust in? Why not make this city a place where the holocaust of abortion stops? Why not make this city a place where those with same-gender attraction know that they are a child of God so that they can turn to Him in their struggles?

Why not here? Why not now?

Lord, make us instruments of YOUR peace. Not of Your elitism ... instruments of Your peace that is faithful to the Truth because it is Love. We all have the dignity to live in the Truth ... we all have the dignity to live in You!

Give us the grace to be humble, going forth in Your name proclaiming, "Hosanna in the highest!"

Lord, increase, in myself and in others, as i decrease. Amen.

Dawg's Thought
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